What have I done
Among long list of stupid things and lot of wasted time there are still something I can speak about
As far as projects is not as interesting as developers like to think I would start from other stuff ).
Proud of:
- my super wife Tonia, she is my super star and the most lovely creature in the world
- cat Kuzia, it is girl and she is very funny and angry
- I’m from village in the center of Ukraine and managed to finish the best Ukrainian technical university and obtain masters degree. Later I realized and felt that studying at university is rather like training your brain than obtaining a job
- I started to work directly with clients rather than on a big dev firm with lot of management stuff between developers and clients
- refactor code. I’m enjoin the look of code with lot of reusability and lot of little functions =)
- bring a bit of functional stuff to the code.
- nice commits
- work with teammates who are passionate about code maintainability
- prefer couple of simple APIs to one huge API if we talk about libraries
- data separated from functionality
- learn something as needed and not because everybody interested in it
- learn from reading rather than lern from videos just because it is quicker for me
There are about 10 projects I successfully grew from scratch and supported in rapid development and production stages. Among them the most valuable for me are:
- Customer Engagement Management System - project for managing people resources built with Angular 1.6 and Twitter Bootstrap from scratch. It was built for huge financial company CIS by Deloitte. I consider this one like my programming school that takes me like a little child, teaches me the bast practices imagination, petience and team colaboration, and throw me then to a huge world of web development.
- Staxter - This is e-commerce platform, digital transformer that helps people send money of other currency stuff to other people in a second. There is lot of other useful features. This is my playground as one of the main frontend web developer.
- Tika - This is my first project where I started to work as single frontend developer. Also I bring my rules here and it is fun because I have my little kingdom there =)